Welcome to Techno Finishing Sdn Bhd

We are the leading surface finishing specialist in Malaysia, specializing in burnishing, deburring, sand blasting, jobbing service, etc.

About Techno-Finishing

Techno-Finishing is one of Pioneer Manufacturing Company on Surface Finishing Specialist in Malaysia. Techno-Finishing is engaged in the Manufacturing and Trading of Abrasive, Medias and Compound and the operation of a Surface Finishing Jobbing Centre providing cleaning, blasting, polishing, descaling, deburring, derusting, deflashing, deoxiding, burnishing and peening services.


Why Choose Us?


Save Time

Cost Effective


Easy Set Up


Techno Blast

Techno Polish

Techno Clean

Techno Buff

 Other Services

Consumable Products


Machinery 43 products
Jobbing 5 products
Others Service 1 products

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